Remember when Oumuamua entered our solar system and everybody lost their minds over whether or not it was an alien spaceship or just a rock that had been travelling for millions of years? We wrote a cool article about the comparison between Rendezvous with Rama and Oumuamua check it out.
Well it turns out there is a constant flow of interstellar material that gets sent our way from Alpha Centuri, our closest stellar neighbour. Astronomers have released a case study that was published in Universe Today stating that our solar system has been bombarded with both microscopic objects all the way up to some with diameters of 100 metres (109 yards).
A Bit About Our Neighbour Alpha Centuri
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Alpha Centarui is a triple star system, in fact, its the closest star to our sun at only 4.2 light years away. Meaning, travelling at the speed of light would only take 4.2 years to get there. Making up the tri-system is Rigil Kentaurus & Toliman which are in a binary relationship, and Proxima Centauri, which is a dim red dwarf.
If the name Proxima Centauri is familiar to you, that’s becuase you might have heard or read that there is an Earth-size planet in the habitible zone called Proxima b.
Alpha Centauri is classed as a mature star with an age of around 5 billion years, and yet a star of this age shouldn’t eject much materials, but as there are two more stars in the system, its beleived that there is a considerable amount or objects being shot our way from these.
Read the full Universe Today article.
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